Details of the PARC mobilizing project (Pairing Automation of Resources in a Community)
Funded by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Exports (MEIE) to the tune of $1.2 million.
Total project value: $2.9 million.
Project duration: October 1st, 2013 to September 30th, 2016.
Initial experiments in aerospace area for multisectoral applications.
Partners :
Supporting the industry in a new economic era, that of the sharing economy, via an expert system of relational and transactional sharing—of human, material, and immaterial resources-in industrial communities. We aim to increase business competitiveness and, therefore, the sectoral communities via:
Optimizing the use of resources.
Systematic mechanisms for access to resources through the creation of a national pool of equipment.
Support the development of future investment plans through the collection and distribution of data in order to optimize the use of existing equipment and support an intelligent strategy for future acquisitions.
Proactive management of the labor market via a pool of available resources, including the young, the self-employed, the immigrants and the retirees.
Establishment of a framework for intergenerational knowledge sharing.
Via the principles of the sharing economy, to strengthen and to increase the competitiveness of companies, industries, industrial sectors and regions by providing innovative and evolving new ways that fall within the sharing economy principles and make it work in a B2B organizational context.
Grow a lively, innovative organizational culture.
Cultivate a mobilizing and inclusive approach, promoting fairness and informed trust.
Develop new approaches that help to optimize the various forms of resources (human, material and immaterial).